Do you have a bathroom where the tub and the shower are separate? But you never take baths? And your unused bathtub feels like a waste of space? But you don’t want to get rid of it because you can’t predict the housing market and don’t know if a bathtub will be a desired item for future home buyers? Optimize your unused bathtub space with a temporary closet when renting or without compromising home value when selling!

I happen to live in a condo that doesn’t have a lot of storage. Unfortunately, I also happen to have an absurd amount of clothing and was in the process of updating my walk-in closet. I wanted more than anything to get rid of the bathtub and expand my closet, but I didn’t want to hurt my home’s value when it comes to the time to sell it…
So I decided to combine my unused bathtub space with my need for more clothing storage!
I am well aware that turning your unused bathtub into a closet may not be for everyone. There are a bunch of ways you can optimize your unused bathtub (scroll below to see my Pinterest board to get more ideas)!
A quick disclaimer before we get started…
In order for me to appear in google searches, I am required to put a certain amount of transition words (e.g., firstly, additionally, lastly, etc.)… Unfortunately, fluff words are NOT my strength… Remember, I am a pharmacist… not a writer… Therefore, I would like to apologize in advance for my random and awkwardly placed transition words… I’m just trying TO GET GOOGLE TO NOTICE ME!
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Check out my YouTube video for how I turned my unused bathtub into a closet if you have no idea what I am talking about!
Here is a brief overview of the steps to re-create my bathtub closet!
- First, measure your space unused bathtub space to figure out how much room you have to work with
- Then, plan out how you want to organize the space. Here are some things to think through:
- It’s good to have an idea of what you will be storing here so that you can best optimize the space for your needs (e.g., if you are going to store long cardigans, then you will want to make sure you leave enough hanging space for long clothing items)
- Do you want more shelves or more hanging areas (e.g., I wanted a combination of both. I wanted shelves for additional linen storage, but also more hanging space for a lot of my additional work attire)?
- Do you want the new closet materials to only be on one wall, or do you want it to go on multiple walls (e.g., mine goes on the back wall and one side wall)?
- See the materials I linked above to get ideas. Additionally, I have a lot of the materials I used in my walk-in closet on my recommended product page under “Organization.”
- Afterwards, use a stud finder to figure out where your studs are and mark where they are with a pencil
- It’s important to nail the closet racks to studs since these can get pretty heavy!
- Again, since these can get heavy, I used toggle bolts to secure the horizontal Rubbermaid FastTrack Rail to my wall.
- If you haven’t used toggle bolts before, check out my YouTube video for how to use toggle bolts!
- After the horizontal Rubbermaid FastTrack Rail is attached, the vertical Rubbermaid FastTrack Uprights are easily hung on the horizontal rail.
- Now, is the fun part! You can to add the brackets wherever you want along the vertical upright tracks. These brackets are used to hold up the shelves.
- Once you have the shelves in place, you can add the hanging rods to whichever shelves you want to have clothes hanging under them!
- Lastly, I got a curtain rod and a shower curtain to cover my hidden closet!
Be sure to comment to let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions! And please share any pictures in my Facebook group if you recreated this in your home!
Check out my Unused Bathtub Pinterest board if you want more inspiration and/or ideas for what to do with your unused bathtub!
And don’t forget to check out my entertainment suggestions if you get bored!
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