Have you ever seen a beadboard look and wanted that look in your home? But didn’t want to put in the effort to make that happen?
Luckily, you stumbled upon my genius beadboard hack!
Or maybe it’s technically Wayfair’s genius hack… but I am the one sharing it with you… so I am still taking credit.

A quick disclaimer before we get started…
In order for me to appear in google searches, I am required to put a certain amount of transition words (e.g., firstly, additionally, lastly, etc.)… Unfortunately, fluff words are NOT my strength… Remember, I am a pharmacist… not a writer… Therefore, I would like to apologize in advance for my random and awkwardly placed transition words… I’m just trying TO GET GOOGLE TO NOTICE ME!

UNQUESTIONABLY, let’s get started (see… there is the first random transition word).
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- Beadboard wallpaper from Wayfair — the link wasn’t working when I started writing this post, so there are other ones you can try. Just know that they aren’t the one that I used from Wayfair, so I can’t speak to the quality of them!
- caulk
- some sort of adhesive — the one I had was prepasted, so it depends on the wallpaper you get…
- 1/4 in. x 1-1/2 in. x 8 ft. Primed White PVC Lattice Molding — for the top part of the beadboard (they are only like $4)
- wood filler
- Nail gun — to attach the molding (you could use glue if you want, but it’s typically done with a nail gun)
FORTHWITH, check out my YouTube video for how I did this beadboard hack! THEREUPON, if you love me at all, subscribe to my YouTube channel!
Figure out your measurements!
- STRAIGHTAWAY, figure out the place where you want the beadboard wallpaper to go
- SUBSEQUENTLY, determine how high up the wall you want it to go.
- Heads up—at the time of this post—having wainscoting that goes higher up than traditional wainscoting is the big trend.
- NOTWITHSTANDING, figure out how much wallpaper you need to cover the wall you want to cover at the height you have picked.
I decided I wanted to do it in my entryway! As you can tell, the walls were a little bland (see image below).

Put that beadboard wallpaper up!
- Then figure out how your specific wallpaper wants you to put it up
- It could be prepasted, like mine was from Wayfair. For these, you soak them in water before you put them up. However, I didn’t have anything big enough to soak it in (besides my tub), so I just used a spray adhesive. BUT, I do NOT recommend using a spray adhesive. It made a lot of bubbles in it. I even made a youtube video for how to get rid of air bubbles… Don’t judge me, that was when I first starting making videos, so it’s not my best work…
- It could be peel-and-stick wallpaper. I am way better at peel-and-stick than I am at pre-pasted. Check out this post to read how I do peel-and-stick wallpaper!
- It could be where you have to put on the wallpaper paste. I will be making a post soon about how I did this type of wallpaper, so stay tuned!
1. First, I sprayed the wall with a spray adhesive (again, don’t recommend that).

2. Then, I would put the wallpaper up against the wall.

3. Then, with a “squeegee” I would put he wallpaper up against the wall (similar to smoothing out peel and stick wallpaper).

4. When I came across an outlet, I taped the wallpaper up (without spraying any adhesive spray). Then, I used a box cutter to cut out where the outlet was from the wallpaper.

Attach the molding above the beadboard wallpaper
PRESENTLY, attach the molding to the top of the beadboard wallpaper. The nice thing about this is that it will hide any uneven edges at the top.
Note: Make sure you get out any air bubbles in the wallpaper before you attach it, because it will be much harder to get them out after you attach it!
First, I used a level to make sure it was not uneven.

Then, I taped it up with painters tape so I didn’t accidentally attach it crooked. Afterwards, I used a nail gun to nail it to the wall. Then use wood filler to fill the holes where the nails are and sand over it to make sure it’s nice and smooth.

Make that mess pretty!
Don’t worry if there are any obvious cracks or places where the wallpaper is sticking out. You can actually use caulk to cover up any cracks. Check out that youtube video to see how I used caulk to fix that right up!

LASTLY, you have the option to leave it as is or paint over it. I used this Rustoleum White Gloss paint that I really like.

That’s all there is to it!
Be sure to comment to let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions! And please share any pictures if you were able to recreate this in your home!
Don’t forget to check out my entertainment suggestions!
I did find other cool accent walls that I liked after I did this project. So check out my accent wall board on Pinterest if you want more DIY inspiration!
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